19 December 2023

Some valuable tips to optimize your immune system in the heart of winter

Daily Ventilation of Living Spaces

It is crucial to regularly ventilate our homes even during the winter months. Good ventilation helps maintain healthy indoor air quality by eliminating pollutants, excess humidity, and odours. Devoting a few minutes each day to open windows wide, even if the outside temperature is low, it helps eliminate accumulated contaminants indoors. Allocating 15 minutes every morning to ventilate your bedroom, even in very cold weather, and a few minutes every hour for your offices is a beneficial habit for indoor air quality.


Take a Walk to Oxygenate!

Ventilate your lungs every day! Our bodies are designed to move, and our lungs to breathe fresh air. Choosing to walk in nature is ideal.


Ensure Adequate Intake of Vitamins D and C

Vitamin D is particularly important in winter when many people have less exposure to the sun, a natural source of vitamin D. During the winter months, it is essential to maintain a balance between sun exposure, diet, and, if necessary, vitamin D supplementation to support overall health. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Vitamin C's Role in Strengthening Immunity:


Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals can damage cells and compromise the immune system.

Stimulation of Collagen Production

Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, a protein necessary for the health of the skin, mucous membranes, and connective tissues. Healthy skin and mucous membrane barriers are crucial to prevent the entry of pathogens.

Support for White Blood Cells

White blood cells, such as lymphocytes and phagocytes, are key components of the immune system. Vitamin C supports their functioning and increases the production of certain cytokines, which are signalling proteins involved in regulating the immune response.

Reduction in the Duration of Respiratory Infections

Studies suggest that vitamin C can reduce the duration and severity of respiratory infections, including colds. It works by strengthening the immune response and protecting cells against oxidative damage.

Tissue Repair

By promoting tissue repair, vitamin C contributes to recovery after an infection or injury, allowing the immune system to maintain its effectiveness. It's important to note that while vitamin C can support the immune system, it is not a miracle solution for all diseases. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and stress management, is essential to maintain a strong immune system.

It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before taking vitamin C supplements, especially at high doses, to avoid undesirable effects. A varied and balanced diet remains the best source of nutrients to support overall health. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables ensures an adequate intake of vitamin C.



To strengthen the immune response, it is important to have a diet with sources of zinc. 30 mg of zinc per day, this essential cofactor is found in oysters, an excellent source, so take advantage of them.


Essential Oils

Ravintsara essential oil is valuable for combating respiratory viruses in winter. Use it in diffusion twice a day in your living spaces and topically on the wrists, under the soles of your feet, and on the lower back. This helps strengthen natural defences at the first signs of cold by adding a drop to a teaspoon of honey two to three times a day.


Don't Forget the Importance of Taking Time for Yourself

Increasingly essential to stay centered, connected to something greater within oneself and to each other. Silence and inner listening are precious times that calm the mind and nourish the heart for any transformation.

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